Health Flexible Spending Account (HFSA)
P&A Group
Participation: The HFSA runs on a calendar-year basis (January 1 to December 31). You can enroll during the fall of each year (annual open enrollment) or within 30 days of a status change or qualifying life event.
Your Contributions: You may contribute up to $2,500 each calendar year.
Using Your Account:
- Use funds to pay eligible expenses incurred between January 1 and December 31.
- Apply any leftover funds to expenses incurred between January 1 and March 15 of the following year (the “grace period”).
- A “use it or lose it” rule applies. You forfeit any money that remains at the end of the grace period.
- Submit claims by March 31, 2019 for 2018 (and grace period) expenses.